A Chip in Country D’s Robot Research Lab Went Missing. China’s Team Gets Suspected

"Is the robot research lab of country D going to cooperate with China's robot research lab? China's team was invited to visit the research lab this time, can you reveal what kind of technical departments you visited?"

"Excuse me, how does China's Team feel after visiting Country D's robot research lab?"

"Isn't Country D's robot research lab worried about the leakage of core robot technology by inviting the China members inside to have a look?"


The reporters got even more excited and they were acting as though they even wanted to know how many steps they took after entering the research lab.

It had to be known that this visit was a huge piece of international news. As long as they managed to get a piece of information, they would be able to report it however they like.

The one who responded was the President of Country D's Robot Association, and one of the leaders of China, Leader Lu.