Don’t Tell Me Those Guards Are Looking For You?

"Everyone, please calm down."

What a joke, General Major Runge had issued a command on this incident and no one was allowed to speak of what happened earlier on. Moreover, it was something so embarrassing and he was unwilling to mention it either.

The President said with a hint of displeasure in his tone of voice, "It was just a normal experiment that happened in our research lab. Nothing big happened. Please leave the vicinity right away."

The President turned around and left after he said this piece of information.

He did not have the thought of staying behind another second longer.

The President was in a complicated mood as he thought to himself, "Why did the robot technology in China advance so quickly? Or could it be that Zi Yi from China is basically an unparalleled genius?"

If that was really the case, can Country D still keep its reputation as the top country in robot technology?