Zi Yi Bringing Little Bell To Steal Fruits

The next morning.

By the time Zi Yi came out of the room, she just so happened to see Qin Ze walking to the kitchen with a handful of vegetables that looked like grass.

She asked out of curiosity. "What are you doing with that grass?"

Qin Ze looked at her as if he could not take her anymore. "This is a type of vegetable. You little brat who isn't used to eating the food of common people, you can't even distinguish between vegetables and grass."

"You're saying it as if you can distinguish the difference."

Zi Yi refused to argue and be on the same level as him. She turned around and headed outside.

Qin Ze reminded her. "Don't go too far. We can have breakfast in around ten minutes at max."

"Got it."

The mornings of the northern suburbs of Country D were chilly. The nearby farms had been harvested not long ago and the smell of the soil was everywhere. However, there were all kinds of flowers and plants on the sides of the road.