What Did You Do Again To Have That Person Go to Such an Extent To Chase You Down?

Zi Yi got Qin Ze to pay more attention to the 'family' that had just moved in.

After Qin Ze finished his dinner, he made his way over under the guise of taking a stroll.

However, it wasn't long before he came back home.

"There's no one in the house."

Zi Yi thought about it for a moment and said, "Then make preparations. We'll go down to the ranch and take a look."

Qin Ze nodded his head.

It did not take long before they drove to the ranch.

The land here was vast and it was also sparsely populated. Therefore, the ranch was particularly large. However, the area was fenced off.

Qin Ze parked the car in the woods a little further away. Both of them went around the fence and stopped somewhere nearer to the building. They were planning to climb over the fence.

Qin Ze stood at the foot of the wall and asked Zi Yi, "Are you able to climb over the fence? Do you need my help?"