Capturing the Worm Race's Spaceship

When Zi Yi said that, a sudden deafening explosion was heard.

Both of them turned to look in the same direction.

They saw Shadow, can meet

who had retreated a few steps due to the recoil from the explosion.

Lance immediately took this opportunity to break through the space magnetic field and escape.

"Shadow, give chase."

Shadow and Lance disappeared at the same time.

Zi Yi threw out a circular ball at this moment.

The magnetic space field disappeared and the circular ball returned to Zi Yi's hands.

Zi Yi and Runge reappeared in the control room.

The group of leaders looked at the two with frightened expressions. They were obviously shocked by their sudden disappearance and reappearance.

Runge had returned to his usual cold and unfeeling demeanor. He used his sharp eyes to do a sweep across the leaders.

"You… who are you?"