Find the Culprit and Deal With It

The three princesses immediately started to panic out of fear.


Zi Yi could not take their screams and she shouted, "Shut up."

Subsequently, she asked the guards, "There should be emergency life-saving equipment here, right? Even if there isn't any, there should be the police and lifeguards, correct?"

This was a tourist spot and even if the river was wide, it was easy to go ashore. Unless someone deliberately planned this to prevent them from going ashore.

The guard's answer was unexpected. "Something happened on the river bank and the police are handling the issue. Moreover, the boat that collided into this boat is in an even more severe state and it's about to capsize."

Zi Yi turned to where the guard was looking. Sure enough, the opposite boat had capsized.

That boat was extremely large in size. When it capsized, it affected many of the nearby boats.