Runge Said: Let’s Have a Talk

Runge came even faster than Lu Jingye expected. When Justin learned the news of his arrival and informed Lu Jingye about this, Runge's call had already arrived.

Runge said to Lu Jingye over the phone, "Let's have a talk."

Lu Jingye only considered for two seconds before he personally went out to fetch Runge.

When both the men walked back into the winery, Zi Yi was standing at the door waiting for them.

Runge gave Zi Yi a brief nod. His expression was still as cold as usual.

Similarly, Zi Yi returned his brief nod with one of her own, but she suddenly then asked, "Have you eaten?"

Runge was stunned and subconsciously responded. "Not yet."

Zi Yi turned around and said, "It just so happens that we are going to have a meal. Come on in."

Runge walked in together with Lu Jingye with a taut expression.

Lunch was filled with Chinese dishes. Runge had some difficulty with the chopsticks, so he ended up eating with a spoon.