Whose Smart Babies Are These

When Zi Yi and the rest left China, it was mid-March. By the time they returned, it was already mid-June.

Mrs. Lu's eyes turned moist at the sight of the two of them alighting from the car.

Zi Yi walked over and hugged her as she said with a smile, "Mom, we're back."

Mrs. Lu finally could not control her tears as they spilled down her face. She patted Zi Yi on her back and even until now, she was still feeling lingering fear over the crisis. "Bad child. You guys left for three whole months! Do you know how worried I was at home?"

"Mom, don't cry anymore. Didn't I leave behind two little babies to accompany you?"

Mrs. Lu smiled while tears were streaming down her cheeks. "How is that the same? I just hope that you all can live a life that is safe and sound."