Why Is Someone Like You a Lu Family Member?!

Right now, the more she looked at Yang Yuelan, the more the First Madam disliked her and felt that Yang Yuelan brought bad luck.

"If it weren't for your inability to give me a grandson, would I have done this? It's precisely because Zhiheng doesn't have a child that his Father unleashed his anger on me instead. If Zhiheng has a child, his Father will forgive me."

Yang Yuelan was stunned by how thick-skinned the First Madam was.

"Mother, even now, do you still think it's because of me that we don't have a child?"

Yang Yuelan respected the First Madam greatly in the past and would obey everything she said. She never contradicted her. However, after she went to the Lu Group and received a cold shoulder from Zi Yi and Lu Jingye, the last string in her heart had snapped.

She shouted with reddened eyes, "If not for you, would our family fall to its current plight?!"