Say, Do You Think That the Girl Is Pregnant With Yunxiao’s Baby?

When Professor Dou and the group of researchers came out from the closed-door training, what they saw were the shocked expressions of the various internationally renowned aerospace science and technology researchers from Country D.

A few of them even felt satisfied at the sight of their expressions.

Zi Yi walked over to them and asked with a smile on her face, "What have you all learned in this month?"

The first to speak was Qin Ze.

"My world outlook was totally shattered and reformed in this one month. I feel that the knowledge we were all equipped with was just like child's play."

As soon as Qin Ze spoke up, a few other researchers also added on.

Zhang Xuehao said, "In the past, I only knew that the universe was vast. It was only during this month that I learned that there are many different levels of civilization in the universe. Human civilization on Earth is unexpectedly at the lowest level."