Happy Events

Anya could sense how Lu Yunxiao felt, so she had a feeling that they were destined to be together.

Initially, she simply wanted to be with him, but suddenly one day she really wanted to go to Country A. Unexpectedly, Lu Yunxiao also ended up going there.

After arriving at Country A, they did not encounter each other at first.

However, one day when Anya went out to sea with someone else, she saw Lu Yunxiao floating in the ocean passed out.

Lu Yunxiao was almost dead and she had to work very hard to keep him alive.

"There was a lot of poison in his body and I was unable to identify quite a number of poisons that were in his system. More importantly, something wanted to control his body."

The moment she heard what Anya said, Zi Yi knew it had to be worms.

Lu Yunxiao was mentally strong. But if the worms had managed to control his body, it would have been a catastrophe for Zi Yi and the others.