Country D’s Best Racer

Zi Yi took a step back and looked intently at the tall man in front of her. Even though she could not recognize his face, his eyes looked very familiar.

She thought about where she could have possibly seen him.

The man in front of her glanced at her, veered his eyes away, and proceeded to walk past her.

When he walked over, Zi Yi reached her hand out to block him.

"Miss Zi, please give way."

The man had a deep husky voice making him sound very sexy and attractive.

Zi Yi looked at his profile in an attempt to establish whether he was wearing a mask or not.

She asked casually, "You must be Country D's trump card, right?"

The man looked at her with his head slightly lowered, but there was hardly any expression on his face. "That's right."

Zi Yi did not pull her hand back and give way. Instead, she commented, "You look a little familiar."

"Miss Zi, you are mistaken. It is my first time in the country."