Ange Got Beaten Up Last Night

The next morning, Zi Yi walked out of the corridor on the second floor and happened to hear Lu Yunxiao saying to Anya, "Ange got beaten up last night."

Anya was puzzled. "Why would someone hit him?"

Zi Yi could not resist smiling.

She did not go downstairs. Instead, she went straight to the nursery by the side.

Anya continued speaking, "This means he offended the wrong person. Just ignore him. If he can't settle it on his own, he will tell me about it."

Zi Yi walked into the nursery to see Lu Jingye and Mrs. Lu both inside.

Mrs. Lu said to Lu Jingye, "They slept very well last night. Don't worry. From now on, if you are busy, they can spend the night with me."

Lu Jingye said, "I'm not busy."

Zi Yi smiled on hearing the conversation.