Tangtang Will Be the Next Ah Jing

By the time Zi Yi was done making arrangements, half a month had passed since she left home.

She called Lu Yunxiao over the moment she was ready to go. Then the two of them took the car and flew straight home.

The moment the car pulled up outside the villa, Zi Yi ran over and jumped into Lu Jingye's arms.

"Ah Jing, I'm back."

Mrs. Lu and Anya were standing beside them along with the babies lying in the pram.

Lu Jingye hugged her for a few seconds and said, "The babies must have known you were coming back. They happen to be awake. Do you want to talk to them first?"

Zi Yi refused to leave him and said, "No. It's not like they understand anyway."

The moment she finished her sentence, Guoguo could be heard gurgling.

Mrs. Lu was very tickled. "Yiyi, just look. Your kids didn't like what they heard. Now, they're protesting."

Zi Yi finally let go of Lu Jingye and smiled as she said, "Hi, Mom."