Who Could Take Responsibility for the Fight?

Shao Hua had never been so impulsive in his life. He was genuinely furious. The moment he found out someone wanted to take advantage of Dou Yurui, he could not keep his cool.

"I attacked him…"

"Enough. Now is not the time to worry about accountability. Take Cousin Yurui and leave first. I'll handle this."

Lu Jingye spoke in a firm tone. He said to Shadow, "Give Cousin Yurui to him."

Shadow promptly carried Dou Yurui and passed her to Shao Hua.

Shao Hua hurriedly took Dou Yurui from Shadow.

"Use my car and take her away."

Shao Hua paused briefly and nodded. He proceeded to walk off, carrying Dou Yurui.

When Shao Hua attempted to leave, Owen's bodyguards promptly wanted to stop him. Unexpectedly, only Shao Hua was able to access the invisible barrier while they were completely blocked off.