Since When Did Mom Like to Play Matchmaker?

Lu Jingye came over slightly after three in the afternoon.

The twins were brought back to the Lu residence.

When the car reached the vicinity of Metropolis University, Zi Yi looked out the window casually. She suddenly said in surprise, "Isn't that Cousin Zerui's car? What's he doing here?"

Lu Jingye looked over. He was about to say perhaps Dou Zerui had something to attend to at Metropolis University when Dou Zerui drove in another direction.

"Hmmm? Isn't Cousin Zerui driving toward the staff residential area?"

"Maybe he's sending someone there."

Zi Yi felt he made sense and said, "Shall I give him a call? We can leave together after he's done."


Zi Yi called Dou Zerui.

Dou Zerui was driving. Initially, he was about to answer the phone using the car speakers, but he suddenly glanced at Situ Qin and said, "Little Qin, can you help me answer the phone."