Don’t Be Nervous

Country A's intentions were clear. Lu Jingye said, "I think we had better tell the higher-ups about this."

He took out his phone, dialed a number, and informed the higher-ups about this.

After hanging up the phone, the two of them went home.

It was already half past ten at night and when they got home, Second Master Lu was surprisingly waiting for them in the living room.


The two of them greeted him.

Second Master Lu stood up and said solemnly, "The higher-ups called. They wanted to have a meeting about it once you got back."

The moment she heard about the meeting, Zi Yi pouted in annoyance. "I'm not going. Your meetings are so long. I want to sleep."

Second Master Lu did not know how to respond. He said, "They knew you wouldn't want to go, so they agreed to hold an online meeting instead. It won't take much time. Just an hour at most."

Since they did not have to attend a meeting in person, Zi Yi did not mind.