Third Phase Testing

In the palace in Country A.

"Our plans have failed. Everyone was captured."

"Already? Those useless people."

"What should we do now?"

"They told us to damage the aviation research base and cause distractions for Zi Yi as much as possible. It doesn't matter if we've failed this since we have a backup plan. Don't we have a student at Metropolis University? Try to get in touch with him. As a citizen, I'm sure he'll help us out as long as we make him a good offer."

"Zi Yi already has doubts about him. He might lose his right to undergo the third phase of testing."

"He's one of the top students in A.Uni, so he's very intelligent. Get him to stay at Metropolis University. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he regains Zi Yi's trust."

"Okay then. I'll get in touch with the student."