Side Story 7

The woman looked at the man who was looking at her with extreme indifference. Emotions of wanting to conquer him could be seen in her eyes.

The Blue Spirit Star was her colony and the moment this group of humans from the lower space stepped on this planet, they were doomed to be her prisoners.

Ever since this man caught her gaze, he was growing stronger every single day. Moreover, he was getting harder to control. But precisely because of this, she was getting increasingly interested in him. She wanted to press him down and ravage him mercilessly.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she got. She released her mental energy again.

Her powerful mental energy immediately knocked Tangtang and Guoguo unconscious.

Runge noticed her actions. A strong murderous intent surfaced in his eyes as he shouted furiously, "Stop!"

He ran to their side in a flash and used his body to block the woman's mental energy.