Side Story 9

Runge stood there and watched the obscene interactions for an entire night. His expression was as cold as usual, as though the people before him were merely having a simple fight.

The woman only turned her attention to Runge after the night ended and said to him kindly, "I'll give you half a day to shop. If you exceed the time I give you by even a second, I'll kill the two human cubs you care about."

Runge turned around and left after hearing that.

After he left, two robots came in.

The woman looked at the bodies lying on the bed with a cold expression and said, "Throw all of them outside."

The robots came over and then dragged the bodies out like they were dealing with inanimate objects.

Shortly after that, another two individuals came walking in.

One of the people said, "Leader, your boy toy went out."

"I allowed him out."