1. Mysterious man, business tycoon

"You have two options: marry me, or I'll marry you."

The cold man is as handsome as a Sky God, yet his aura is like a sinister Emperor. His clear voice comes with an unquestionable authority. His flawless face, as if ice tempered, made people shudder from the inside when they looked at him.

Song Qinghuan turned pale with shock, clutching a thin blanket to conceal her bare body, instinctively shrinking into the corner of the bed. "Ah!!!" She cried out, her gaze shockingly and ambiguously fixed on the man, her body trembling slightly. "Did we... you and I... what happened between us?"

She slowly raised her finger, crazily gesticulating between them, unable to say it outright, but needing to ask.

Praying to God for protection, hoping that no mistakes were made while drunk!

The man put down his book, his distant gaze landing on the brightly lit night, his eyes revealing a hint of coldness, he looked charming yet mysterious.

Song Qinghuan was going mad, regardless of everything she blurted out, "Answer me, did we – did we sleep together?"

"I am a normal man!" He turned his chair, his profound gaze leisurely watching Song Qinghuan. The gold diamond button flickered with dazzling light under the lamp.

Song Qinghuan's heart pounded wildly, causing her head to ache.

"How could you do this, taking advantage of someone's vulnerability, it's not gentlemanly!" Like an enraged lioness, she raised her clenched fist, seemingly desiring to punch him.

The man slowly stood up, tall and upright, like a god looking down on her from above. Looking at her crimson face with anger, he remained expressionless, his tone chilly, "Miss Song, let me remind you, it was you who took the initiative!"

"What?" Song Qinghuan was so choked up by his words she was at a loss for words.

She had already been warned that her tolerance for alcohol was poor, but damn it, how could it be this bad?

One shot, only one shot! But somehow, it caused her to completely lose her bearings!

Time rewound to 10 hours earlier.

The noon of that day, 12 o'clock.

Jinghong Hotel, two beautiful tall receptionists, were discussing a previous guest in low voices.

The first one asked the other mysteriously: "Shi Yuhuan, have you ever heard of him?"

The second one's eyes shone with hearts, "How could I not have heard, the business world has a legend named Shi Yuhuan, a man full of mystery, a man who rose to prominence from unknown origins, a man famous worldwide, outstanding and charming, pursued by many well-known ladies. I also heard, before he turned 20, he was a nothing and nobody, a penniless guy!"

The first one waved her hand and shook her head, "I didn't hear the same version. I heard he was mysterious, he went abroad at 20, obtained an economics Ph.D. degree from Harvard University, and an EMBA title when he was 22. At 24 he got the reputation of 'The First Businessman in Wall Street', and at 25 he returned home. Within a short two years, in A City, he created a business miracle and expanded his little 'Times' company into the International Conglomerate Group, making big money daily and becoming a multi-billionaire."

The second one had a look of admiration, "Such a talented and handsome man, did you see just now, I almost fell for him!"

The first one joined in her admiration, "What's rare is, he has a clean personal life, never been involved with any woman."

(PS: New text published. A passionate love story, full of abuse and favoritism. It's very suitable for a winter watch in bed, don't miss it. Hey~~Don't move, collect, comment and vote, rob them all!)