5. Is she the joker that the monkey invited?

Li Qianze couldn't help but swear, "Damn! Are you always this naive?"

Song Qinghuan nodded seriously and replied, "Naive? Everyone says my skin is very fair, but I think it's just average. I think your skin is even whiter."

Where did this foolish, flippant delinquent come from, trying to flirt with her? Not even a chance, not even half a chance.

"I did not mean fair as in skin color, I meant naive as in foolish." Li Qianze stared at her with ill intent, only to realize he had inadvertently insulted himself.

"Who are you? How dare you talk to me like that?" His manners and tone had sharply worsened.

This time, when he looked at Shi Yuhuan, he saw the resume placed in front of him. Li Qianze went over and picked it up: "What's this? A job application?"

Shi Yuhuan's eyes slightly narrowed, indolent yet dignified, "She wants to join the Times Group because she has a crush on its CEO."

What?! Li Qianze was taken aback, then slowly cracked a smile, a hint of wicked mischief in the corners of his mouth as he pointed at Shi Yuhuan: "So he does not know…"

The rest of his sentence went unspoken.

Shi Yuhuan shot him a warning glance with his dark, deep-set eyes.

As their eyes met, each understood the other's intentions without the need for words.

From the moment Song Qinghuan entered this room, she had the feeling that she had entered the wrong one, especially after Li Qianze came in.

But she wasn't a careless person. Before coming in, she had checked the sign on the door multiple times to make sure there was no mistake - it was a VIP room.

She had also checked at the front desk, confirming that the room had indeed been booked by Manager Zhao from Times Group, and that the person who arrived was definitely Manager Zhao.

However, this "Manager Zhao" seemed far too refined to be an HR manager. Could it be that big corporations were different, each manager possessing such extraordinary charisma?!

"You have a crush on the CEO of Times Group?" Li Qianze was still in a state of disbelief as he looked at Song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan promptly put her hand on her forehead, feigning a thoughtful position, "Yes, I've had a crush on him for several years now. He's my Prince Charming. I'm doing everything I can to get into the group, just so I can stay by his side. I once swore to myself that I wouldn't marry anyone else, but if I can't marry him, then I rather stay single for the rest of my life."

As she spoke, she put on a determined look, then turned to Shi Yuhuan with a sincere expression, "Manager Zhao, considering my earnest intentions, could you possibly make an exception and let me join your esteemed company? I'm willing to accept any position!"

To be honest, she found her own overly dramatic act quite nauseating.

Li Qianze chuckled uncontrollably, having to hold his stomach as he burst into fits of laughter.

Oh my God, this woman was way too amusing! She declared her love for his brother and vowed to marry no one else, yet she didn't even recognize who his brother was.

Really, was she not some comedian hired by a monkey for her silliness?