10, I want to have some alone time for two, please avoid us.

Shi Yuhuan exuded an intimidating sense of power and dominance from head to toe. His deep, dark eyes drew her in like a never-ending vortex. Once he saw a flicker of fear in her eyes, he turned to Han Qianqian with a smirk, "The clause in the agreement is clear –– if I married before your twentieth birthday, our engagement is void. Yesterday, she and I got married!"

"What!" The news hit Han Qianqian like a ton of bricks. Her eyes widened in disbelief, the shock plastered all over her face, "No way, I don't believe it. This can't be true!"

How could this happen? How could he be already married, just three days before her birthday?

Does he despise her that much to marry some random woman? Her heart clenched painfully at the thought. Han Qianqian felt like breaking down in tears.

Song Qinghuan, sitting on Shi Yuhuan's lap, froze completely. Overwhelmed with guilt, she responded with a painfully regretful look to Han Qianqian's hate-filled eyes. She felt like slamming her head against a wall.

It wasn't what she wanted, but she had no other choice but to join the Times Group. This was her only chance. Once she entered the Times Group, she would apologize to her and tell her the truth - that she and "Manager Zhao" were not married.

She tried to move slightly, only to feel the pressure on her waist increase. Song Qinghuan realized it was a veiled threat from the man.

For a moment, she dared not move.

Shi Yuhuan's gaze grew even colder. Squinting in disdain, he said, "Whether you believe me or not is your business. Now, I want some privacy with my wife. Please, excuse us."

Then he turned to Li Qianze, who was convulsing with laughter on the side, his eyes full of warning, "You too, get out!"

Immediately, Li Qianze sprang up from his chair, reinvigorated as though injected with adrenaline, and readily complied, "No problem, bro, I'm leaving right now."

With that, he pulled Han Qianqian up, his smile fading into a gentlemanly demeanor, "Miss Han, let's go."

Han Qianqian twisted her head abruptly to look at Li Qianze, demanding vehemently, "Li Qianze, swear on your beloved wife, your limited-edition 'Spyker C12 Zagato', that Emperor really did marry this woman!"

Li Qianze's brow furrowed slightly, shooting a subconscious glance at Shi Yuhuan before he nodded, "I swear, they are indeed a married couple. Otherwise, my wife will belong to someone else!"

Even if they didn't marry yesterday, they would do so tomorrow. Either way, they would end up as a married couple. His oath was careful and safe — his wife would always be his.

Upon hearing this, Han Qianqian stumbled back a couple of steps. Her eyes turned red in an instant, filled with disbelief, anger, and a sense of being wronged.

"No, it can't be," She bit her lip, giving Shi Yuhuan a resentful look. Then she glared at Song Qinghuan, her eyes bloodshot, filled with venom, resentment, and despair. She stared without blinking, mimicking the relentless gaze of a vengeful ghost.