12. Best of three, who loses who wins.

One die showing three dots, the other showing four dots, adding up to seven!

Han Qianqian laughed triumphantly.

She picked up her own dice cup with a "Pop!" and began shaking it. She didn't know how many times she shook it before she gently put it down. She took a deep breath and shakily lifted the cover. Upon seeing the points on the dice inside, the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

"You've got five points in total, Miss Han, you've lost!" Li Qianze looked at her, chuckling.

Han Qianqian turned back and glared at Li Qianze furiously, "Who says I've lost? It's best of three, don't you know?"

She picked up the bottle of Vsop on the table, filled a cup to the brim and bravely downed it in one gulp. After finishing, she even let out a burp, "This round I lost, let's continue! This time I'll go first!"

She put the dice cup down and began shaking it again after finishing her drink.

Song Qinghuan was a little frightened, her heart experiencing a flurry of sweetness, bitterness, and sourness. She glanced at Shi Yuhuan next to her.

He was lazily leaning back on his chair. His slender, jade-like fingers held a shimmering white wine glass, casually swirling the golden liquid inside. The corner of his eyes carelessly fell on her, causing a dangerous sensation as if warning, threatening, and making mockery of life itself.

At this moment, other than wanting to swear, the only other thought in her mind was, she just wanted to hurry up, finish, and leave.

After Han Qianqian shook it a few times, she put the dice cup on the table, clenched her teeth, lifted her cover. The numbers made her cheer and laugh: "Ha-ha, eleven points!"

Song Qinghuan glanced at her and lightly shook her own dice cup. She figured, even if she loses this round, she'd have another chance, right?!

She didn't expect to actually lose, rolling only an eight-point. She despised the pessimistic side of her, she shouldn't be thinking of losing like that. She has to want to win the next round!

Han Qianqian completely burst out laughing: "Ha-ha, I've won. Hurry up and drink this one! Continue with the third round!"

Feeling lucky, she filled a glass with wine and put it in front of Song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan furrowed her brows, she didn't like drinking and couldn't handle it well, she didn't want to drink.

Just as she was about to refuse, a warm hand suddenly clasped her wrist.

Song Qinghuan's body stiffened. She knew who was holding her hand without even looking. She turned her head to look at Shi Yuhuan, becoming so angry she blushed.

She wanted badly to pound the table and give him a punch before yelling: I quit!

But no, she has to enter the Times Group.

After taking several deep breaths, Song Qinghuan, giving in, used her other hand to pick up the glass.

Looking at the murky liquid in the glass, smelling the pungent alcohol, she closed her eyes, tipped back her head, and downed the drink.

The alcohol stung her throat like tiny needles, flowing into her body with a burning heat. It felt as if someone had splashed sulphuric acid in her stomach.

After setting down her drink, she immediately felt the dizzying effects of the alcohol, her cheeks flushing red.