14. Lost control? Suffered a big loss.

She was utterly humiliated. She had actually been kissed into oblivion. That was Song Qinghuan's last memory before she fainted.

When she opened her eyes again, she was greeted by a luxurious Austrian crystal chandelier.

Song Qinghuan was dazed momentarily. What a strange place. Where was she?

She blinked her eyes, and fragments of scattered, chaotic memories, like scenes from a broken movie reel, raced through her mind. Song Qinghuan turned deathly pale, and with a start, she sat up. The silk duvet slid off her, exposing her nude body.

She was so frightened that her soul almost leapt from her body; she let out a panicked scream: "Ahh!!!!"

The originally tranquil room was shattered by her thunderous, soul-rending shriek.

The man on the bedroom balcony was as cold as ice, as handsome as a Sky God, with a cup of tea, a book, icy elegance, noble indifference, yet silent as usual, completely captive to his book, without distraction, as if she was no more than thin air.

As Song Qinghuan panicked and looked frantically around, where had her clothes gone to? Had anything happened after she fainted? Logically speaking, nothing should have, she felt nothing unusual, but her body ached, as if something had indeed...

Ahh!!!! Was she going mad? Did anything happen between them? Why couldn't she remember anything?!

"You have two choices, either you marry me or I marry you."

"Ahh!!!! I-I-I...You...Did we, did we...did anything...actually happen?"

Without receiving an answer, she pressed on: "Answer me quickly, did we, did we make love??"

"I am a normal man!"

"How could you do this to me, take advantage when I was vulnerable, such conduct is ungentlemanly!"

"Miss Song, allow me to remind you, it was your idea!"

It all started with that.

Song Qinghuan forced herself to stay calm, telling herself that she was fine, no feeling, no memory — like nothing happened.

She regained a bit of composure, looking into Shi Yuhuan's eyes, blacker than obsidian, gazing at his face that could topple nations.

No matter how handsome or charming he was, he couldn't bewitch her. She didn't care about looks. All she wanted now was to roll her eyes at him, to give him a good thrashing. Even though she was the one who initiated it, he should have known that she was drunk and not taken advantage of her.

So over the line!

But, thinking that she still needed his help, she had to suppress her dissatisfaction. She put on a flattering smile, "Um, Manager Zhao, what happened after I got drunk was an accident. Whatever happened, let's pretend like nothing happened. As for before I got drunk, I was very cooperative, so I would like to ask, when can I start working at Times Group?"

She's at a disadvantage this time — a major disadvantage!!