16. Definitely, got your Achilles' heel.

"It was just convenient that you came to me," Shi Yuhuan's tone was unnaturally calm.

At this moment, all Song Qinghuan wanted to do was cry: "Are you that sure I would agree?"

Shi Yuhuan shook his head, honestly telling her, "I'm just confident that I've got you where it hurts."

Song Qinghuan: "..."

Damn!! This man has shown her, in the most profound way, what it means to be resolute, ruthless, swift, shamelessly unscrupulous, and willing to do anything to achieve his goals!

"I'm telling you, I disagree!" Song Qinghuan asserted angrily, "If you don't let me into the Times Group, I'll find another way!"

Shi Yuhuan cast her a sidelong glance. His tone, light as it seemed, was brimming with threats, "If I don't agree, you can forget about joining the Times Group in your lifetime!"

Song Qinghuan clenched her fists, just realizing the man she faced was the manager of the Human Resources Department of Times Group. Anyone willing to join the Times Group had to get his approval and signature. If he became an obstacle, then she would truly never be able to work at Times Group.

No, she must work at Times Group!

"This is merely a transaction. I'll give you one night to think it over. If you agree, we'll meet at the civil affairs bureau at nine o'clock tomorrow morning," Shi Yuhuan finished, then turned and left.

Leaving a casual and free style behind, to Song Qinghuan with full of struggles and grievances.

Song Qinghuan wearily dragged herself home, and without strength, collapsed onto the small bed.

After a while of rest, she slowly got up, opened the third drawer of the bedside table, and pulled out a black notebook.

The first page of the notebook read three neat and upright characters, "Yan Pingdan."

She turned the page again and found a folded newspaper tucked inside the notebook.

Opening the newspaper, Song Qinghuan's face became a little bit sad.

Open the newspaper, the headlines read, "Yan Pingdan, CFO of Times Group, Runs Off with Large Sum of Public Funds, Whereabouts Still Unknown."

Yan Pingdan, Song Qinghuan's brother. Their parents divorced many years ago.

The fourteen-year-old brother Yan Pingdan went to America with their father, while eight-year-old sister Song Qinghuan stayed in the country with their mother.

Song Qinghuan would always remember the day they parted. Yan Pingdan held her hand, with determination in his eyes, saying reluctantly, "Huanhuan, there will be a long time I'm unable to take care of you. You must take care of yourself and wait for me to come back for you!"

This scene was deeply imprinted in the mind of Song Qinghuan, and she had been waiting, waiting for her brother's return.

Spring came and autumn went, ten years had flown by. During these years, her mother had remarried, but their family conditions were not good and couldn't afford to send Song Qinghuan to college.

Just when she thought her life was going to drift away aimlessly, Yan Pingdan came back, took Song Qinghuan away, and funded her college education.