19, Tired heart, Oddball family

Song Qinghuan angrily said, "What do you take my brother for? An ATM? His money is hard-earned, and he needs to support his own family. He can't just give away the little that he has!"

With that, she turned to Lu Meiyan who was sitting on the other side, "As for you, Mom, you've lived perfectly well for all these years without my brother being around. Why do you need to bother him now?"

Lu Meiyan jumped to her feet, anger radiating from her as she scolded, "You ungrateful brat, is that how you should talk to me, your mother? I raised you from a kid, have I ever let you go hungry? Now your brother is here, you're living it up, and you can't even spare a dime for me, your mother?"

Song Qinghuan retorted sarcastically, "Yes, I have never gone truly hungry, but you've never consistently fed me well either. And you never give me the best of anything."