23, Play a role, doing the whole set

Song Qinghuan's mind exploded in a 'whiz,' as she stared astonishly at Shi Yuhuan, her teeth biting hard on her lip, unsuccessfully suppressing the anger that welled up from the depth of her heart.

"You, you, you...." she stammered, too infuriated to speak coherently.

All she could do was raise a trembling finger, indignant and furious, pointing at Shi Yuhuan as he backed away.

Shi Yuhuan calmly watched her, showing no significant change in his emotional state. "Of course, couples must live together, full set of a performance, understand?" he replied.

Song Qinghuan found herself choked, as if someone had brutally shoved a bundle of straw down her throat. It was unbearable.

She snorted coldly, glaring at him angrily and gritting her teeth, "I'm busy tomorrow, I'll move in a couple of days!"

Finishing her statement, she swiftly turned to leave.

This hateful and irritating man, every extra glance at him would claim a handful of her brain cells!