25. Guess, her background

Song Qinghuan suppressed all her emotions, "Alright!"

She started to fill out the resume. It really is different for a big company, one of the items on it was surprisingly: Do you have any relatives working in this company.

Song Qinghuan didn't know if her husband counted as a relative. Thinking for a moment, she checked the married box and directly skipped over the item asking if she had relatives working in the company.

Manager Zhao had been watching Song Qinghuan, who filled out the resume with great energy. The filled "Married" section on the resume made him look at Song Qinghuan with surprised eyes.

After a while, he reached out and dialed the internal phone to call Yu Yang in.

Yu Yang, who had been eavesdropping from the outside, was shocked and had her mouth wide open. As she had suspected, Song Qinghuan had some powerful backing.