Two words, done

Song Qinghuan's mouth twitched subtly.

She picked up her chopsticks once more, pushing around her rice with an occasional nibble.

Upon seeing Shi Yuhuan place his chopsticks down and elegantly wiping his mouth with a napkin, Song Qinghuan hastily did the same. Looking at Shi Yuhuan, she asked with a mixture of nervousness and worry, "What should I do?"

Shi Yuhuan slightly raised an eyebrow, "Hmm?"

It was as though he was asking her, what should you do about what?

His expression was mysteriously impassive. For a moment, Song Qinghuan couldn't tell whether he genuinely had no idea or was pretending not to understand.

She sat up a tad straighter, repeating her previous statement, "I offended an important client at the company today. I wanted to ask you, will I get sacked tomorrow?"

Shi Yuhuan rested his hand on his chin and slowly said, "Contract!"

"Huh? What about the contract?" Song Qinghuan queried, clearly confused.