55, Qinghuan, am I so terrifying?

Song Qinghuan thought their antics were a little exaggerated, but she also knew they were just joking.

After all, the monotony of a nine to five job could get tedious over time.

At this moment, the internal phone on her desk rang unexpectedly. Song Qinghuan answered it, it was Zhao Jingnan, asking her to come to the manager's office.

Song Qinghuan felt a twinge of fear. What could Zhao Jingnan possibly want with her?

Could it be about the client she had offended? Was the general manager digging into this matter personally?

With a nervous heart, Song Qinghuan headed towards the manager's office.

Yu Yang stood up in surprise, immediately drawing a crowd of colleagues around him.

Watching Song Qinghuan walk away, they speculated, "Did the general manager come down because of Song Qinghuan?"

"So, Song Qinghuan has the general manager as her backstage supporter!"
