57, Gathering, and drunk again

The much-talked-about welcome party finally kicked off on a Friday night, the evening before the weekend off.

A large group of people ate, drank, played and sang, enjoying themselves. Due to her lack of tolerance for alcohol, Song Qinghuan had been sticking to non-alcoholic beverages.

But as the evening progressed, she couldn't resist the pressure from her colleagues and ended up downing a glass or two of beer.

The beer clearly emboldened her, she was a little giddy but didn't do anything too outrageous.

After all, this was only a glass of beer. Compared to the full glass of VSOP she had that day, it was barely worth mentioning.

Seeing her blend in with everyone else, the gossip began. "Qinghuan, come on, tell us. What's going on between you and the General Manager!"

Song Qinghuan let out a sigh, "Nothing. I never would've guessed that one day I'd be the woman at the centre of the General Manager's rumors, all thanks to you guys."