62, Disobey, wanna play with Huanhuan

Usually, when I called, it would bound over.

But at this moment it didn't move, it looked at Shi Yuhuan, then Song Qinghuan before getting up and toward Song Qinghuan.

Scared, Song Qinghuan instinctively shied away.

Shi Yuhuan had a look of displeasure but didn't speak.

"Um, Zi... Shi, your dad's here, you... you should get out!" Song Qinghuan had never kept any pets, but she knew that people generally raise pets as their children.

So she thought Shi Yuhuan would be the "dad" of Zishi.

"Woof—" Zishi gently called to her.

Scared, Song Qinghuan shrank back and was about to tell Shi Yuhuan outside to quickly take his dog away, when she realized Shi Yuhuan was gone.

"Hey, hey, hey, where are you? Where did you go, please take care of your dog!" Song Qinghuan became frantic, getting up from the bed to look for Shi Yuhuan.

But the moment she moved, Zishi leaned in toward her.

Song Qinghuan was scared, barely managing to stammer, "W-what... what do you want?"