65, I will act recklessly, so what?

This sudden assault came too fast and unexpected.

Shi Yuhuan quickly stepped back, but the bed behind him blocked his way.

As a result, Song Qinghuan fell on top of Shi Yuhuan, and they both collapsed onto the large bed.

Shi Yuhuan looked at the panicked Song Qinghuan on top of him, his face remained calm and cold, but his eyes radiated a strange light.

He indicated their intimate position to Song Qinghuan and asked, "You still claim you're not trying to seduce me?"

Song Qinghuan's face turned red, like a ripe tomato.

Angry and embarrassed, she straddled Shi Yuhuan's waist and reached out to strangle his neck: "Who wants to seduce you? Who do you think you are? I would rather you stay away from me. If you say I'm trying to seduce you again, watch me strangle you to death!"

Shi Yuhuan looked at the furious Song Qinghuan on top of him, and her ferocious face actually made him shudder momentarily, forgetting to resist.