69. Marriage, if you want to get married, then do it

Mei Jun was taken aback, regaining her voice after a moment, "Hold on, Huanhuan, have I offended you recently? There's no need to scare me like this."

Song Qinghuan calmly said, "I'm not scaring you, neither am I lying to you, I really did get married."

A two-year engagement, perhaps one can hide from others, but definitely not from Mei Jun.

Mei Jun is her best friend. Sooner or later she would find out, and instead of letting her blame herself when she found out, it was better to tell her now.

Ah -" Song Qinghuan's words had just fallen when Mei Jun's scream came over the phone.

At this moment, Song Qinghuan was grateful that she had turned on the speakerphone. She didn't have to bear the torment of Mei Jun's screaming in her ear.