75, what should I do if you get married?

Song Qinghuan leisurely took another sip of her coffee, setting the cup back down before saying, "Miss Han, your statement is inappropriate. Don't randomly say to anyone 'name your price'. If they ask for money, it's still manageable. What if they demand your heart, your hand, or your foot? Would you promise to give those?"

Han Qianqian was taken aback, then hastily replied, "Who said anything about those conditions? I'm talking about money. No matter how much money you want, I can give you."

Song Qinghuan innocently questioned her, "Didn't you just say 'name your price'? Doesn't that phrase include everything?"

"You..." Han Qianqian was at a loss for words. She glared at Song Qinghuan for a while, seemingly unable to find a retort. Finally, she stubbornly roared, "I don't care. Whatever amount you want, I'll give you. Give me back Emperor."