82, if you disagree, let Zishi sleep with you

The frightened Song Qinghuan, seeing Zishi only rubs his fluffy head affectionately against her leg without any other movements, stabilizes her frantic emotions.

She raises her eyes to look at Shi Yuhuan, still with a lingering fear, "Why are you here again?"

Dressed in beige home clothes, Shi Yuhuan's sleeves loosely rolled up to his elbows, leaning back casually, resting his slightly bent right knee against the wall, he gave off an atmosphere of leisure and complacency.

He raises an eyebrow in response: "Why can't I be here?"

Song Qinghuan raises her voice: "You said this place is occupied by only one person. It's really rude to burst in here like that."

Shi Yuhuan responds indifferently, "You live here alone, but the living room is not solely yours. The food prepared by Aunt He is only served in this living room."

His words were blunt. She could not go into the back villa, and Aunt He couldn't either.

So he dined in the front villa.