93, He does as he pleases, she swallows her anger

Song Qinghuan didn't want Song Ci to know that she was already married. After some thought, she gently said, "He's my boss."

She felt that saying so was not wrong, as he was indeed her superior, in addition to being her husband in name.

She believed hiding one thing and substituting it with another was not only what she desired, but also what Shi Yuhuan wanted.

Shi Yuhuan gave her a quick glance, said nothing, lifted his foot, did an about-turn, and strode off. His movements were swift and decisive.

Yet there was a thread of unexplained oddity about him, an oddity that even Shi Yuhuan himself couldn't comprehend.

Song Ci, upon hearing that he was Song Qinghuan's boss, had intended to politely greet him and urge him not to blame Song Qinghuan.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yuhuan left behind a chilling and haughty silhouette.

At this point, Song Ci started to worry: "Sis, is it that serious? Would you lose your job because of this?"