108, Surprise, Living in the Same Room

Song Qinghuan was stunned for a few seconds, and finally understood what he meant. Living in the same room with him, her face turned red layer by layer, then gradually whitened.

She immediately rushed into her own bedroom and stormed up to Shi Yuhuan: "You can't be serious!"

Shi Yuhuan turned around and sat down on her bed: "Do you have a better solution?"

"The solution should be for you to come up with, you promised me, you can't go back on your word!" Song Qinghuan said, putting all her strength to pull Shi Yuhuan, trying to pull him up from her bed.

But Shi Yuhuan was as immovable as Mount Tai, regardless of how she strained, he did not budge an inch.

Song Qinghuan was panting, her pretty face flushed again, even more thoroughly. Looking at the still cold and expressionless Shi Yuhuan, she could not help but get angry, raising her finger and pointing at him: "You..."