112, scared, actively pounce

On the screen, she could be seen running to Yihan with a beaming smile, sitting next to him, and then wrapping her arms around his waist. She laughed at him and leaned in to kiss his face and lips.

Exclaiming in shock, Song Qinghuan could hardly believe it: "This, this... impossible!!"

With a faint smile, Yihan said, "Keep watching!!"

In the video, Yihan was calm, pushing her away, and like a perfect gentleman, he left the couch for her and walked away.

The video ended there.

Song Qinghuan froze for a moment, then screamed and kicked in protest: "Impossible, impossible, how could this happen, I don't have sleepwalking syndrome!"

Yihan glanced at her, his gaze mocking: "Don't blame your desire to seduce me on sleepwalking!"

With that, he clicked on the next video.

In the video, Yihan was sitting on the bed, his usual demeanor cold and arrogant. But then she rushed to the bed, threw herself at Yihan, and wouldn't let go. At last, Yihan gave in and let her embrace him.