126, Admitting mistake, I'm sorry

After passing through the security room, as she was looking around unsure of where to go, she spotted Chen Tian, who had driven her to the villa last time.

As Shi Yuhuan's assistant, he had already been instructed to wait there.

Seeing Song Qinghuan, he immediately approached with a smile, "Madam, the CEO has asked for you to go directly to his office."

Having said that, he gestured for her to proceed.

Song Qinghuan nodded, guided by him, she arrived at the entrance of the CEO's office.

She hesitated for quite some time before raising her hand to knock.

After obtaining the permission from within, Song Qinghuan slowly pushed open the heavy wooden door, peering timidly inside.

Indeed, the CEO's office had an aura of its own - bright, airy, astonishingly spacious, as vast as the ocean.

The decor was simple yet elegant, with a sense of profound simplicity.

Shi Yuhuan's eyes were fixed on some documents, his cool expression as calm as ever, though slightly serious.