136, Marry me, I will take care of you

Song Qinghuan, looking unhappy, replied, "Nothing, our manager needs me for something, I need to go back to the office, there's an email I need to send to him."

The document is saved on the office's computer, to send it to Zhao Jingnan again, she can only do it from work.

Zhan Cheng was not happy either, his face darkening instantly: "What's going on, having to work even after work hours?"

Song Qinghuan helplessly said, "There's no choice, this is my job. That's how office life is, your boss is your absolute authority, whatever he says goes, if he tells you to do something, you have to do it."

Zhan Cheng sneered dismissively and then suddenly a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Gazing at Song Qinghuan, his eyes were filled with deep love. He laughed and said, "Huanhuan, then stop working, marry me, let me take care of you."

Song Qinghuan gave him a sideways glance, "Are you going to drive me there or not? If not, let me off here."