169, Newlywed Wife, Song Qinghuan

Song Qinghuan quickly averted her gaze, but she could still feel that man's eyes, following her and Shi Yuhuan.

Who was he? Was he the young master the butler mentioned earlier?

What is his relationship with Shi Yuhuan? It didn't seem like there was any animosity, but their relationship didn't seem good either. If not, what did that gaze represent?

She had no time to ponder, as Shi Yuhuan had already led her to the doorway of the study, and gently knocked on the door twice.

Immediately, a deep and imposing voice came from inside: "Come in."

Shi Yuhuan pushed open the door and walked in, hand in hand with her.

Looking up, Song Qinghuan saw an elderly man sitting by the study desk. His hair was white with age, and his weather-beaten face showed traces of age, but a youthful spirit could still be seen on his robust figure. His sharp eagle-like eyes were astute and keen.