175, stop it, get up quickly

Shi Yuhuan's lips carried a hint of cold, forcefully obstructing her breath, but without pushing further. He gently caressed her lips, his tongue lightly tracing her lip line.

He softy held her bottom lip in his mouth, licking, sucking, nibbling. It was charmingly intimate.

Shi Yuhuan's palm was cold; his hand on her waist gently caressed her from time to time.

Song Qinghuan, panting, leaned into him, her entire body turned soft by his teasing, her mind turning into mush.

Her face gradually warmed, reddening more and more, looking at his handsome face incredulously.

Suddenly, Shi Yuhuan let her go and faintly spoke, "Close your eyes, be good."

Song Qinghuan didn't move, she seemed as if she had been petrified.

Shi Yuhuan suddenly kissed her eyes and Song Qinghuan instinctively shut them.

Her heart was racing too fast, if she didn't close her eyes, she felt as if her heart would leap out of her chest.