206, this pot of porridge is for you.

Song Qinghuan ran to the bathroom, stood under the shower, and let the stream of water cascading over her body.

As she stood under the water, she kept wondering if anything had happened between she and Shi Yuhuan. It was the several time of uncertainty, but she still had no sense of it.

Did something happen, or didn't it?

It's so annoying, could she just act like nothing had ever happened, whether it did or didn't?

She didn't know how much time had passed. Someone knocked on the bathroom door. She ignored it because she knew the only one who would knock was Shi Yuhuan.

Time, like the water from the shower, flowed away endlessly from her fingertips.

Soon, Song Qinghuan felt as though she hadn't been in the shower for very long, but looking at the clock, half an hour had already passed.

By the time she changed her clothes, tidied up, and was ready to go downstairs, almost an hour had already passed.