212, Take care of my Huanhuan

"Huanhuan," the gentle call slipped out before Zhan Cheng could fully register what he just said.

He took quick strides forward, taut with the urgency to affirm something, to express something, to declare something.

Upon hearing Zhan Cheng's voice, Song Qinghuan jerked as if jolted by electricity.

Her mind was a mess. What was she to do now? How was she going to introduce him later?

Would she say Shi Yuhuan was her current husband, and Zhan Cheng was her prospective—potentially her boyfriend two years later? My goodness, into what kind of situation had she put herself into?

Zhan Cheng was now in front of her, asking with a laugh, "Met someone you know?"

Such intimate address, such deeply affectionate gaze, something that made Li Qianze frown, and a teasing smirk slipped across his face, "He's your classmate after all."

Song Qinghuan's classmate was a boy; God knew how his brother would react.

Would he be infuriated? Go berserk? Or feel tortured?