215, We, see you in no definite date.

Song Qinghuan was mentally repulsed by his jealous attitude and relentless probing, akin to that of a jealous husband.

In his eyes, she was like a cheating wife, a homewrecker who deserved to be spat at, condemned and reprimanded.

Song Qinghuan struggled with all her might while pushing his hand away, "Zhan Cheng, I promised you that if in two years you still love me and are willing to be with me, then I would accept you. But right now, you're not my boyfriend, and we have no relationship. Please mind the tone in which you speak, and stop telling others that you're my boyfriend."

Suddenly, a surge of anger flamed up within Zhan Cheng, "Song Qinghuan, you lied to me. You said you had no one in your heart, but I see that you like the man from before."

Song Qinghuan sneered, "What does that have to do with you? Why is it any of your business?"

Zhan Cheng's veins bulged visibly on his forehead, "He doesn't even like you. In fact, I can tell he doesn't even like you."