220, strongly demand, don't go.

The room was impressively quiet, silent as death, much like the prelude to a storm. The silence was so profound it was palpable, causing a sense of mounting terror.

Shi Yuhuan, with Song Qinghuan in tow, slowed his steps as they moved forward.

First, he went to the balcony and tightly closed the glass door. Then, still leading Song Qinghuan, he opened every door on the first floor.

Then, they went to the second floor and opened the doors of each room until they reached the master bedroom, where Song Qinghuan resided.

Now, apart from the two of them, there was no one else inside the villa.

Initially startled and out of breath, the once tense and petrified Song Qinghuan suddenly relaxed.

Somehow, someone had broken into her house, wielding a knife. She had been deeply terrified, goosebumps rising on her skin.

It was only when the alarm was disarmed that she realized she had been frightened to the point of wanting to cry.