222, Fear, Extreme Terror

Song Qinghuan's forehead was throbbing painfully, her body was wracked with fear, but her mind remained remarkably clear, constantly struggling to move.

The whole thing was too frightening, she did not want to stay in this room for even a second longer.

But Shi Yuhuan firmly wrapped his arms around her, not letting her move an inch, before examining her injury, "Don't move!"

Song Qinghuan's body trembled slightly, her eyes wide with fear as she stammered, "The doll... the blood...the bathtub... It's really scary...terrifying..."

As she spoke, her eyes reddened, tears threatening to spill in fear.

Yihan paused for a moment, instinctively turning his head to glance at the bathroom.

Seemingly understanding something, he promptly acted to investigate what was in the bathtub. However, Qinghuan grabbed his hand to stop him.

She shook her head at him, signaling him not to go.