224, New, Lifestyle

The two villas in this courtyard are of distinct styles; the front one is an open-plan European style while the back one is fully enclosed with a password-protected metal door located behind the balcony window.

The interior is not as ostentatious as Song Qinghuan imagined, but rather simple, spacious, and casual.

As soon as Shi Yuhuan opened the door, Zishi immediately bounded over with joy.

While changing his shoes, he reached down to pat Zishi's round, big head.

Zishi focused on Song Qinghuan, seemingly pleased. It happily flicked its tongue, circled around Song Qinghuan, and finally rubbed its plump body against her.

Song Qinghuan waved at it with a light smile, then stood at the doorway feeling somewhat helpless.

Well, there was only one pair of slippers in the room; which pair should she change into?

Obviously, Shi Yuhuan noticed her awkwardness and bent down to pull out another pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet.